Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hard Economic Times

The world economy is going thru major slowdown. Countries and currencies will be affected in many parts of the world, in Tanzania we have seen the Tanzanian Shilling moving from Tshs. 1,500 to the US Dollar to over Tshs. 1800 in a matter of months.
In Kenya,  economic development has slowed down, so protect against risk, come together and support each other to grow together. Cut down unnecessary expenses in social fashion.  I is not a time to live in an unreasonable spend thrift manner, invest in prudence, and plan for the future. We are still in recession, so be careful, don't use resources in an inappropriate way; you will need those resources to build your future. Don't spend more than you earn, buy only what is essential, save and conserve resources and don't live in a dissolute”

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